☎ (415) 892-1577
➤ 1535 S Novato Blvd. Novato, CA 94947

Pini Kid’s Club
Join us monthly for special arts and crafts projects!
Serving Your
Hardware and Houseware Needs Since 1918

Pini Kid’s Club

Pini Hardware is fun for the whole family, especially for our little DIY’ers! Each month, we have a dedicated day for kid’s of all ages to join us for a fun arts and crafts project to reflect the season! See our monthly calendar below to see when our next event is! Events run from 10am to 2pm in front of Pini Hardware (unless specified otherwise), are free to attend, and all supplies are complimentary of Pini Hardware. See you next time at our Pini Kid’s Club!

kids club event calendar
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